Saturday, April 16, 2011


The first bar in history was a cave buried deep in the woods, underneath layers of marsh so it was cozy inside around the small fire. Fermented fruit was served to the guests, who got away from the cold and wouldn’t talk much. These places are found throughout places where cavemen dwelled, humans first bars. We can only imagine what those bars were like, being that we were a society without rule. We all hunted and gathered, shared, traded, and lived peacefully for the most part. It wasn’t until our primitive brains began to change that we became something else.
Im sure bar brawls broke out in those days, perhaps over a female or over some moldy apricots. Research suggests that primitive humans knew the nature of consuming mold and used is as a remedy for ailments. Still, little is known about caveman culture, but we do know there was a system and that it included bars.
I believe that bars have existed for centuries and that they are in some way a cornerstone to our culture. So after a long day of hunting and gathering, Maxi Hunter Bay is going out for a drink, with her best friend Mr. Joe Bay.